The Father & His Two Sons: The Art of Forgiveness
Images of the Prodigal Son - The Larry & Mary Gerbens Collection
A wonderful collection of original art inspired by the Prodigal Son. Insightful stories, prose, poems and artist statements accompany the art. The book features 26 different artists and 40 of their works. An inspiring resource of visual & written testimonies that celebrate this timeless parable with contemporary creativity and spiritual vision.

• 9" x 12" - 64 Page Soft Cover Book
• Full Color Images of Original Art
• Collector Notes by Larry Gerbens
• Stories, prose, and poems
• Artist Statements
- Limited Quantity Left - $35.00 each

More Info > > Art in the Collection Prodigal Son Giclee Prints Prodigal Son CD | Powerpoint & Bulletin Images
Art Inspired by The Parable of The Prodigal Son
The Father & His Two Sons - The Art of Forgiveness features the Larry and Mary Gerbens Collection of original art inspired by the parable of the Prodigal Son. The Father & His Two Sons showcases 26 different artists and 40 of their original paintings, linocuts, serigraphs, etchings, watercolors, sculptures, carvings and pottery. Insightful stories, prose, poems and artist statements accompany the art. It's an inspiring source of both visual and written testimonies that pay tribute to Jesus' timeless story from Luke 15.
The Father and His Two Sons was co-published by Eyekons Publishing, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching. The book was showcased at Calvin Institute's Symposium on Worship on January 29 - 31, 2009. It was also the catalogue for the exhibit The Father & His Two Sons presented at the Calvin Center Art Gallery from Jan 7 - Feb 7, 2009. Larry and Mary Gerbens donated the collection to Calvin College where it has been made available as a traveling exhibit for colleges, churches and museums.
The parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most powerful & evocative stories Jesus told. Its universal themes of greed & regret, arrogance & repentance, sin & redemption, jealousy & acceptance, and most importantly, compassionate forgiveness resonate richly with each retelling. This parable has inspired the work of artists throughout the centuries. In many times and places, using many methods & media, artists have sought to visually retell this story. Despite the differences in their work, the message of the Father's love remains constant.
We feel privileged to share the Parable of the Prodigal with you through this collection of original art and writings. Mary and I believe this collection of art inspired by Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son, is a creative affirmation of the great gift of God's unending grace, love and forgiveness. We are extremely pleased our collection will find a permanent home on the Calvin College campus and hope it will provide a living testament to "the art of forgiveness" for generations to come.
- - Larry Gerbens
Critical Acclaim for "The Father & His Two Sons"
"Over the millennia the Parable of the Prodigal Son has proved to be a jewel with ever more facets to be revealed. The Gerbens Collection, reproduced in this volume, is a splendid example of the point. It's a rich indication of how inexhaustible Jesus' story has proven to be, declaring that the way of the Father with repentant sons and daughters is not the lash of retribution but the embrace of forgiveness."
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology, Yale Divinity School
Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia

"This splendid collection of artwork will quicken your deeply human desire to be home in the gracious embrace of your Father and at the same time will revive in you the sure and certain gospel hope that precisely that home and that embrace are already yours through Christ Jesus the Lord - through that Son of God who traveled to the far country of this world to fetch all us wandering sons and daughters back to that place where all is well indeed."
Rev. Scott E. Hoezee
Director, Center for Excellence in Preaching, Calvin Theological Seminary

"This volume stands ready to inspire, delight, provoke, and challenge all those who wonder about or long for repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It offers particular gifts to everyone who has opportunity to teach or preach on this familiar parable, generating renewed awareness of the text's urgency, surprise, and counter-cultural force."
John D. Witvliet
Director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Professor of Music & Worship, Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary

"Jesus" parable of the Prodigal Son is a timeless story that has spoken to mankind's endless need for forgiveness throughout the ages. The Gerbens Collection presents many visual re-tellings of the tale of The Father & His Two Sons and vividly illustrates how art can provide us with wonderful metaphors to help understand and live in the realization of God's atoning love. It is an affirmation of the power of art created through the eyes of faith. This volume represents Larry and Mary's long visual journey into this inspired story of forgiveness, reconciliation, and grace. It is a rich, living testament to their creative Christian stewardship. We are grateful for their generous donation of this collection of original art and pleased that it will become an ongoing inspiration for the Calvin College community."
Gaylen J. Byker
President, Calvin College

More Info > > See Inside The Father & His Two Sons Book Prodigal Son Giclee Prints Prodigal Son CD | Powerpoint & Bulletin Images