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Waltz of the Clowns poster by John August Swanson for sale at Eyekons Gallery,
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    The poster Waltz of the Clowns by John August Swanson is for sale from Eyekons Gallery. John Swanson portrays a colorful ensemble of clowns dancing and making music in sheer joy and celebration.

    John August Swanson    POSTERS


    Waltz of the Clowns


    John August Swanson's poster Waltz of the Clowns is based upon his serigraph from 1987. He portrays a playful ensemble of clowns that are dancing, making music and celebrating. The costumes, colors and composition combine to create a vibrant and energetic portrait of clowns enjoying life to its fullest. Waltz of the Clowns is part of an ongoing series of serigraphs based upon John's love of the circus and appreciation of clowns.

    Poster Size: 16" x 20"
  • Price - $ 20
    Posters delivered in 2-3 days
    100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
    For any questions, or to learn more about John's art,
    Contact:   Amy McKay   |   616-235-2929