Solomon P. Raj | Christian Art Through Indian Eyes
"Hidden away in Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh, India is the St. Luke’s Lalitkala Ashram, home to the 95 year old artist P. Solomon Raj. Rooted in his love for the Gospel and his appreciation for his Indian heritage, Solomon Raj has spent a lifetime telling us to see and to believe. He is a master at intercultural communication taking stories buried in his heart of faith and openly sharing them through his unique creative vision. He is an evangelist following in the footsteps of Luke and John who knew that the truth lies not just in the facts but in the imagery that can make them meaningful to each of us."
Dr. David Zersen, President Emeritus, Concordia University Texas

Biblia Pauperum 2008
At 86 Solomon Raj began a new creative venture, taking the Biblia Pauperum, the Bible of the Poor, a work known since the Middle Ages and and re-imagined it as a teaching tool for Indian audiences and anyone else who has "eyes to see."

A Gallery of Hieratic Art
Solomon Raj explores the images and symbols in the Gospel of John creating Indian inspired icons. In his inimitable way, Solomon uses vivid colors and an Indian eye for truth and eternal life, to draw us into these images and use our senses to know that Jesus is calling us all.

Being inspired by St. Luke's tradition, Solomon Raj uses pictures, poetry and prose to articulate the liberating messages of Jesus Christ found in the Gospel of Luke. These 12 wood block prints illustrate the message of freedom, liberation and redemption found in Luke's Gospel.