The 6 Divisions of Eyekons

Publishers, Graphic Designers & Advertising Agencies

The Eyekons Stock Image Bank is source of religious stock images marketed
to communication professionals. The stock images are licensed for a reproduction fee
based upon the commercial use of the art. The images are then published in books, magazines, brochures, publications
websites and digital media.
The art is organized into an image bank that can be searched
by artist name, image title and keywords. Eyekons focuses on the visual needs of the publishing industry from a uniquely
Christian point of view. We move away from the inspirationally expected, offering original stock images with artistic integrity,
religious substance and social relevance.

Magazines / Editorial
Graphic Designers
Advertising Agencies
Colleges / Institutions
Church Publications

Original art for book covers
Thematic illustrations for stories & articles
Art that explores current issues, concerns & events
Diverse styles, varied themes at affordable prices
Art that speaks to the emergent youth culture
Ecumenical explorations into liturgical themes
Images inspired by social justice, mercy & peace

Pastors, Youth Directors, Worship Leaders and Educators

The Church Image Bank offers churches a source of Christian stock images for bulletin
covers, Powerpoint, sermon illustrations and websites. The images are formatted for today's technological
worship and designed to meet the "visual ministry" needs of both the emergent and traditional church. The Church Stock
Images are offered at affordable "church prices" to visually support worship, ministry, evangelism and education.
The Christian stock images can be easily found in our Church Image Bank by using the Eyekons
Search Bar. It enables you to search for stock images that relate to particular religious topics, biblical subjects, Bible verses,
theological themes and relevant social issues. The Church Image Bank is a great source of Christian stock images for pastors,
youth directors, worship leaders and church educators. The art is also offered in thematic and liturgical CD collections.

Pastors, Priests
Youth Leaders
Worship Leader
Sunday School

Art exploring biblical, pastoral & theological themes
Powerpoint images for the emergent youth culture
Visual celebrations of the liturgical church year
Unique bulletin covers & original illustrations
Affordable visual resources for youth education

The Eyekons Giclee Print Collection offers beautiful reproductions of our finest art.
Each giclee print is individually made by our full service, in-house printing business.
Eyekons offers fine art giclee prints on paper and canvas and a line of giclee greeting cards.

1. A custom-made inkjet print, created with archival paper & pigment-based inks.
2. Reproductions of art with remarkable richness of color, outstanding image
  quality and unprecedented archival permanence.
3. A derivative of the French verb gicler, "to spray," referring to the printing heads
in inkjet printers that spray ink onto the paper creating these beautiful prints.
These exquisite prints are a wonderful resource for reasonably priced art for our customers.
They provide businesses, churches, interior designers and online art buyers with a unique source for affordable art and spiritually inspired gifts. The Collection features our artist's finest work with
prints offered in a range of sizes and prices. The unprecedented quality of giclee prints has created a whole
new market for fine art reproductions.

Art Buyers
Interior Designers

Prints & Greeting Cards as gifts
A large selection of contemporary liturgical art
Inspired art in different styles, colors, sizes & themes
Innovative & affordable visual solutions

An Online Exhibition of Original Art for Sale

The Eyekons Gallery features the Artists who are the creative force behind today's renaissance
in contemporary religious art. The Artist's original work is offered for sale in The Gallery and is showcased in Online
Exhibits, Portfolios and Slideshows. Our website offers our customers a rich resource for spiritually inspired art.
The Gallery provides links to artist's bios, statements, new work and additional portfolios.
Buyers of religious art are everywhere. The Eyekons Gallery enables us to promote and sell
original art to those art buyers, wherever they may be. Through our direct mail and email newsletters, we creatively market
to art buyers interested in original art with rich spiritual content, diverse ecumenical themes and original artistic styles.
It's a digital marketplace for original art created from uniquely religious perspectives.

Art Buyers
Interior Designers

A source for original art that explores faith & belief
Unique collections of liturgical & religious art
Healing visions from holistic health minded artists
Inspiring original art for the corporate environment
A wide choice of art for the contemporary believer

Art Books - Posters - Greeting Cards

Eyekons Publishing
The Father & His Two Sons: The Art of Forgiveness
We proudly present our first book, published in collaboration with Calvin Institute of
Christian Worship and the Calvin Seminary Center for Excellence in Preaching. "The Father & His Two Sons" showcases
the Larry & Mary Gerbens Collection of original art inspired by the parable of the Prodigal Son. It features writings
by the artists and reflections by Larry Gerbens. More books will be coming soon!
"The Story of Ruth: 12 Moments in Every Woman's Life"
by Joan Chittister, Art by John August Swanson
"Saint Francis"
by Marie Dennis, Art by John August Swanson
"Millennium Day Book" - Art by John August Swanson
A Beautiful Day Planner, Organized by Weeks
Filled with the Art of John August Swanson > Eyekons Art Books
Posters and Greeting Cards featuring John Swanson's most popular serigraphs.

Photography, Giclee Printing & Design

Phil Schaafsma was a professional photographer for 25 years before starting Eyekons.
He brings those years of experience to the photography of paintings, fine art & sculpture. Each piece of art is
individually lit to accentuate its distinct, original qualities. The photo is proofed on paper until the color,
contrast and tonal values match the original artwork. The file is then ready for commercial reproduction, fine art
printing or a website gallery. > Photo Services
Eyekons specializes in fine art giclee prints of original art. We pride ourselves in the
high quality of our beautiful prints. The giclee process offers artists a truly remarkable way to reproduce their work.
Each giclee print is individually made, and special care is given to matching the unique qualities of the original art.
Prints are offered on 100% acid free fine art paper or canvas, packaged in clear sleeves and ready to sell. > Custom Giclee Prints
Graphic Design
Amy McKay ran her own graphic design business for 20 years before starting Eyekons.
She does wonderfully creative design oriented towards the unique needs of the visual artist. She specializes in
postcards, invitations, signage and brochures. As well she can design and produce a full book for you. Call to see
her portfolio.
Web Design
Eyekons offers the distinctive design and development of websites that feature art,
images and e-commerce. Amy does the design and development, Phil does the writing and Search Engine Optimization.
Together they create beautiful and effective web sites that are functional and user friendly. And they are Google
Webmasters who can help you and your art be found throughout the world wide web.