Steve Prince | Artist - Educator - Art Evangelist
Steve A. Prince is an artist, educator and art evangelist. His mediums are printmaking, drawing and sculpture. Steve is a native of New Orleans and the crescent city's rich tradition of art, music and religion pulsate through his work. He uses the language of the line in a rhythmic and powerful way. Steve's art is inherently narrative and metaphorically complex. He uses a rich, visual vocabulary of signs and symbols to tell stories that express his unique vision founded in hope, faith and creativity.

Linocuts & Graphite Drawings
View all of Steve Prince's original linocuts/woodcuts for sale.

Images for Books, Magazines,
Brochures, Web & Digital Media
Eyekons Stock Image Bank offers Steve Prince's art as stock images for publishers, graphic designers & advertising agencies.

Stock Images for Bulletins,
Powerpoint, & Sermon Illustrations
Eyekons Church Image Bank features the art of Steve Prince as stock images for churches offered at affordable "church prices."

Steve Prince Documentary
by Jeremy Loewer, Allegheny College

Sergio Gomez & Steve Prince Live Performance Drawing
From the "Who Is My Neighbor" Conference & Art Exhibit!