Good Samaritan
John August Swanson's serigraph Good Samaritan portrays Jesus' well-known parable from Luke 10:30-37
in three panels. The first shows the merchant who traveled to a distant city. Then on the way he was robbed and beaten.
After a priest and a Levite passed him by, a Samaritan, who should have shunned a Jew, rescued the man and brought him to
an inn to heal and rest. This parable of Jesus vividly reminds us of the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves,
despite our cultural boundaries or heritage. And John's beautiful serigraph helps us to rediscover how important the story
of the Good Samaritan is for the times in which we live."
2002 | Edition of 120 | 31 Color Stencils
Image Size: 11" x 30"
Paper Size: 18" x 36"
Paper: 100% cotton rag, acid free
Price - $ 800
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