Who is My Neighbor?
Conference & Art Exhibit

Held in 8 Churches in Downtown Grand Rapids, MI
April 25 & 26, 2014
See the "Who Is My Neighbor" Grand Finale!
Sergio Gomez & Steve Prince Live Performance Drawing
Who Is My Neighbor? Art Exhibit
Each Artist has a "Featured Exhibit" in 1 Church - plus a sampling of work thru all the host churches

Program Book & Schedule
Small PDF - To email
Large PDF - To print

Art as a Bridge to Each Other
Exploring God’s biblical call
“To love your neighbor as yourself”
through art, theology & the voice of the artist
The Who Is My Neighbor? Conference is a dialogue about art & creativity within church & community. Our journey is guided by Catholic Latino theologian Cecilia González-Andrieu, Calvinist philosopher & theologian Nicholas Wolterstorff and the creative voice of 11 artists. Together we'll explore how art can become a bridge "to our neighbor," and a creative catalyst for social change and spiritual renewal within our neighborhoods, churches, schools and communities.
2-Day Conference
Morning Pleneries - Afternoon Workshops - Evening Presentations
We are Privileged to Exhibit
The Rich & Helen DeVos
Swanson Collection
The Ken & Jean Bergsma
Swanson Collection
Offering the Largest Swanson Exhibit Ever!

Watch the Movie - Share the Vision!
35% Discount
Cecilia González-Andrieu - Catholic Latino Theologian
Professor of Theological Studies & Visual Theology
Loyola Marymount University
Cecilia's book provides the inspiration for our conference. We will explore her idea of how art can be used as a bridge in our churches and communities connecting us to our neighbors and becoming a force for rebirth and renewal.
35% Discount offered from Baylor University Press.
Nicholas Wolterstorff - Calvinist Philosopher & Theologian
Noah Porter Emeritus Professor of Philosophical Theology - Yale
Senior Fellow: Institute of Advanced Studies - University of Virginia
Nick is a prolific writer with a wide range of interests. He is currently working on a new book called Art Re-Thought which offers ways we can re-think & re-imagine the role of art in our religious & cultural lives.
AUTHOR: Art in Action Seminal Study in Christian Aesthetics
Timothy R. Botts Calligrapher
Athanasios Clarke Greek Orthodox Iconographer
Carolyn Elaine Mosaic Artist
Martin Erspamer, OSB Illustrator, Painter, Printmaker
Sergio Gomez Painter, Curator, Gallery Owner
Art of Sister Corita Kent (1918-1986) Printmaker, Teacher
Chris Stoffel Overvoorde Painter, Liturgical Artist
Steve Prince Artist, Printmaker, Sculptor
John August Swanson Serigrapher, Painter
Jo-Ann VanReeuwyk Fiber Artist / Sculptor, Teacher
Linda Witte Henke Liturgical Textile Artist
David Bosscher Director of Art Exhibits - SRC, Zeeland
Themis Fotieo Lawyer, Greek Orthodox Lay Theologian
Janaan Manternach Catholic Educator & Liturgist
Betsy Steele Halstead Visual Arts in Worship Resources
Eric Strand Director of Music & the Arts - FUMC, Grand Rapids
Karl VanHarn Director of Pastoral Services - Pine Rest
Vange Van Heusen Director of Atrium Gallery, SCRC, Grand Haven
We Invite
artists - teachers - students - theologians
priests - pastors - worship planners - community leaders
art enthusiasts - collectors - creative thinkers
priests - pastors - worship planners - community leaders
art enthusiasts - collectors - creative thinkers
to explore
Who Is My Neighbor?

Workshop Themes
Who Is My Neighbor? Conference
The Creative Voice of the Artist
- The artists' vision is the guide for our journey
- Re-imagine the role, use & purpose of the visual arts
- 33 workshops - 11 artists - 9 presenters
Art, Aesthetics & Visual Theology
- Cecilia González-Andrieu explores art as "A Bridge to Wonder"
- Nicholas Wolterstorff "re-thinks" Art in Action and Art in Life
- Teachings of Sister Corita Kent / Theology of the Icon
Art in the Church & Community
- Practical ideas for engaging students in the creative process
- Working with art in churches, schools & communities.
- Art in worship, church galleries, banners, art education
Hands-On Artist Studio Workshops
- 9 studio workshops to work "hands-on" with the artists
- Calligraphy, Printmaking, Painting, Textile Art, Iconography,
- Liturgical Art, Banner Design, Mosaic, Worship & the Senses
Partnering together to bring you the Who Is My Neighbor? Conference & Art Exhibit

Contact Us for More Info: 616-235-2929 ContactUs@eyekons.com