Take Away the Stone
John August Swanson's serigraph Take Away the Stone tells the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from
the grave as told in John 11:1-45. John Swanson writes that, "This story of Lazarus challenges us to listen for the voice
that breaks into the cruel silence of this world saying, come alive again! It's not too late. Come out. Leave the tomb behind,
leave the fear of death and defeat behind, leave the fear of life and change behind. Take Away the Stone calls us to join
together in unbinding one another through acts of compassion, justice and peace so that all are set free to live and share
the moments of miracle and mystery that life offers to us all."
2005 | Edition of 250 | 57 Color Stencils
Image Size: 30" x 20"
Paper Size: 36" x 26"
Paper: 100% cotton rag, acid free
Price - $ 800
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