The Father & His Two Sons | The Larry & Mary Gerbens Collection
The Larry & Mary Gerbens Collection of art is inspired by Jesus parable of the Prodigal Son. After reading Henri Nouwen's seminal book The Return of the Prodigal Son, Larry felt drawn to collect art that explored this timeless story. Their collection grew into 48 pieces of original art by 26 artists and was featured in the book The Father & His Two Sons - The Art of Forgiveness. The Larry & Mary Gerbens Collection is presented as a portfolio for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy your journey into these visual parables that explore the depth of God's grace & forgiveness and the love of a Father.
A Creative Journey into the Parable of the Prodigal Son

Edward Riojas: The Prodigal Son

Korchagin: Return of the Prodigal Son, Lacquer Box

Robert Barnum
The Return of The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son

Athanasios Clark
The Prodigal Son Orthodox Icon
The Prodigal Trilogy by Steve Prince

Steve Prince
The Prodigal Appetite: Halloo

Steve Prince
The Prodigal Journey: Exit Wounds

Steve Prince
The Prodigal Return: Your Past may be Stained,
but your Future's Untouched

John August Swanson: Story of The Prodigal Son

JJ Tissot
The Prodigal Son in Modern Life:
Frontispiece - The Parable of the Prodigal Son

JJ Tissot
The Prodigal Son in Modern Life:
No. I - The Departure

JJ Tissot
The Prodigal Son in Modern Life:
No. II - In Foreign Climes

JJ Tissot
The Prodigal Son in Modern Life:
No. III - The Return

JJ Tissot
The Prodigal Son in Modern Life:
No. IV - The Fatted Calf

Gary Wilson
Prodigal Son

David & Deb Garner
The Return of the Prodigal Son

Bjorn Wiinblad
Prodigal Son, Parables in Glass

Jesus Mafa
The Prodigal Son

Joel Tanis
The Return of the Prodigal Son

Hans Sebald Beham
The Prodigal Son Reduced to a Swinehead

Karl Kwekel
Return of the Prodigal Son

Julie Quinn

Carol McCrady
The Parable of the Lost Son

John McDonald
Shelter from the Storm

Charles Smalligan
Prodigal Son

Elmer Yazzie
The Prodigal Sons and the Father

Jonathan Quist
Rembrandts Prodigal Son Revisited

Thomas Hart Benton
Prodigal Son

Edgar Boeve
The Prodigal Son: Forgiveness

Laura James
Gospel Dreams: Parable of the Lost Son

Tim Botts
Jeremiah: 29-11

Jeff Condon
The Prodigal Son Diptych
Thoughts of Home | Prayers from Home

John August Swanson: The Prodigal Son