Pricing for Church Stock Images
The Eyekons Church Image Bank is a source of Christian stock images offered exclusively to churches. The "reproduction rights" for the art is licensed, not sold, to you and your church. You are given unlimited use of the image as long as it is used exclusively within the church community for worship, education and evangelism.

All images are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office & receive full protection under U.S. & International copyright law.
The following credit line must appear with any Image used for Bulletins, PowerPoint, Web or Blog:
Image Title © Year Artist Name | Eyekons
Image Pricing

- - Price determined by file size
- - For use exclusively in the church
- - Unlimited image use
- Web
- Powerpoint
- Bulletins
- 4" - 72 dpi
- 6" - 92 dpi
- 8" - 300 dpi
- $ 9.99
- $ 11.99
- $ 14.99
CD Collections

- Themed Collection CD $ 99.95 - $179.95
- - Art for Advent - John August Swanson
- - The Father & His Two Sons - Multiple Artists
- Single Image with details CD $ 59.95
- - Story of Ruth - John Swanson
- - Psalm 23 - John Swanson
- - Psalm 85 - John Swanson
- - Madonna of the Harvest - John Swanson
- Single Artist Collection CD's $ 99.95
- - A Mystery Revealed - James Fissel
- - Visual Prayers - Julie Quinn
- Woodcut CD's $ 49.95
- - Cross Shattered Christ - Rick Beerhorst
- - Prophets, Priests & Kings - Chris Stoffel Overvoorde