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Search for Stock Images at Eyekons, Biblical Art  |  Religious Images  |  Spiritual Themes
  • "Nativity," by Carol Aust, a Church Stock Image available at Eyekons Church Stock Image Bank
  • "Beuronese Nativity," by Nicholas Markell, a Church Stock Image available at Eyekons Church Stock Image Bank
  • "Rest on Flight to Egypt," by Wayne Forte, a Church Stock Image available at Eyekons Church Stock Image Bank

    What is the Church Image Bank

    A Visual Catalyst for Creative Worship


    Visual Resources for Pastors - Youth Leaders - Worship Planners - Educators

    Eyekons Church Image Bank provides churches a source of religious art for use in worship, evangelism and education. The images are formatted for today's technological worship and designed to meet the "visual ministry" needs of the contemporary church. We offer Christian images that compliment both traditional and emergent worship.


    Images for Bulletin Covers - Powerpoint - Sermon Illustrations - Websites

    Eyekons feature artists who explore themes of spirituality, religion and social justice. We offer Christian art with creative integrity, religious substance and social relevance. The images are for sale at special "church prices" and available in our Church Image Bank and as thematic and liturgical CD Collections. Great images at a great price!


    One Book . . . a World of Art

    Eyekons features art that is ecumenical, spiritual, emergent, liturgical, narrative and sacred. It's biblical art with a global perspective. It's religious art reflecting the world's many faith traditions & cultural perspectives. It's a place where personal faith finds visual expression and art can be shared with church communities around the world.